Lenders take a number of things into consideration when evaluating a VA loan application. While there isn’t a credit score requirement for participation in the VA loan program many lenders want to see scores north of 620, and at Benchmark Mortgage this number is 580 to move forward with a loan. There are other factors …
Author: heidiwhite
VA Loans- Are You in the Know?
Many people have misconceptions about obtaining a VA loan. This comes from rumors of bad experiences and poor information. Now that you know the history of VA loans and how they work, here are a few things that service members looking to obtain a VA loan need to know:
April is the Month of the Military Child
As of September 2017 there were an estimated total of 1.3 million active duty service members in our U.S. Department of Defense and, another 800 thousand in the reserves. Of those 1.3 million, almost 22,000 individuals were from Kansas alone. Since 9/11 more than 2 million children have had a parent deploy, and more than …